5th Anniversary Competition

5th Anniversary Competition

5th Anniversary Competition Win a great prize: a pass for 3 people with all expenses paid in a pool in Camagüey !!! To participate in this great raffle: You have to come to our Expoferia accompanied by people who are not graduates of the Emprende Workshop The friends...

5 years of history, 2013-2018

5 Years of History, 2013-2018 CUBA EMPRENDE CAMAGUEY Share Facebook Twitter Pinterest StumbleUpon Like Previous Next CEcamaguey-5años-75 CubaEmprende Camagüey Share Facebook Twitter Pinterest StumbleUpon Like 0 Discuss Download Open Link Close Full Descripción...
5th Anniversary of CubaEmprende Camagüey

5th Anniversary of CubaEmprende Camagüey

From July 20 to 6:00pm  to July 21 at 3:00 p.m. La Merced Church Workers’ Square Camagüey Cuba 5th Anniversary competition Win a great prize: a pass for 3 people with all expenses paid in a pool in Camagüey !!! To participate in this great raffle: -You have to...