9th Anniversary

9th Anniversary

This is how happy we celebrated our anniversary And we love that it was like that, it’s the best way to define these 9 years of #FamiliaEmprende 🤗🤗 Thanks to @lecos_ideas for the photos 🙏🏻🙏🏻 and Sweet Yeeyeo for the delicious cake...
7th Anniversary Cubaemprende Camaguey

7th Anniversary Cubaemprende Camaguey

Hello everyone! This December 2 and 3 we will be celebrating the 7th Anniversary of CubaEmprende Camagüey As this 2020 has been atypical, our celebration too! All through WhatsApp But yes, there will be a lot of good exchange between our #entrepreneurs, stories that...
Covid 19

Covid 19

The situation we are experiencing today due to Covid-19 forces us to be much more responsible from the small actions we can take to help minimize the negative impact. It is important to keep us informed and up to date, take all necessary measures to protect ourselves...